This post will delve into keyboard switches with a emphasis on those mechanical switches used in Kinesis keyboards.
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The Full-Body Benefits of Split Keyboards
Real life experiences from a Physical Therapist and Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist – as a User and Recommender
Three Key Hand and Arm Stretches
A Hand Therapists Perspective
Certified Hand Therapists (CHTs) specialize in working with people with shoulder, arm, and hand problems.
Read more of “Three Key Hand and Arm Stretches”
Transform TechStress into TechHealth
An evolutionary approach to re-envisioning our relationship with technology—and reclaiming health, happiness, and sanity in a plugged-in world.
Read more of “Transform TechStress into TechHealth”
Social Distance Your Laptop
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, it took leaps and bounds of paperwork and approvals from Human Resources for employees to work from home. That is no longer the case.
It hurts to type…help!
Ergonomic keyboards and mice are not medical treatments, but Kinesis peripherals are engineered to address the most common risk factors for typing and mousing.
The Neural System & RSI
This article highlights the role of the Neural System and neurogenic inflammation as an overlooked cause of pain related to chronic repetitive strain injuries, also known as RSI.
Congratulations on your new Kinesis keyboard! Switching to a new keyboard, especially an ergonomic one, can be intimidating. This series of guides will help you get up and running quickly.
Best Coding Keyboard
As a software engineer, you write thousands of lines of code each day, so taking care of your hands is essential to a long and successful career. It’s important to choose your peripherals wisely!
Why use a split keyboard
Split keyboards are everywhere these days. This guide will explain the many benefits of using a split keyboard and provide helpful tips on what to look for if you are considering making the switch.
Alternatives to QWERTY
The QWERTY keyboard has been around so long that most people just take it for granted. But, as it turns out, many alternate layouts have been developed over the years.
Programmable keyboards
Programmable keyboards let you assign custom key actions, rearrange keys, record macros, and much more. Choose the right one to increase your comfort and boost your productivity.
Mechanical keyboards
If you’re new to the world of mechanical keyboards this guide will explain the different types of keyboard switches and help you choose the right mechanical switch.
Put your feet to good use
Foot pedals are powerful tools that can boost productivity, eliminate awkward keystrokes, and cut down on repetitive motions. No matter your application, Kinesis has a foot pedal for you.
Ergonomics on-the-go
Tablets and smartphones are changing how and where we work. Here are some tips to keep you healthy and productive when you’re working remotely.
Workstation Configuration
Learn how to set up your new keyboard, pointing device, chair, desk, and monitor. Plus get tips everyone can use to make their workspace more ergonomic, without breaking the bank.
Read more of “Workstation Configuration”
Ergonomics for Mac users
At Kinesis, we love our iPhones, iPads, and Macbooks. But we also recognize that Apple’s design philosophy prioritizes the look of the device over its ergonomic functionality.
Ergonomics for gamers
PC gamers spend more time in front of a computer screen than most office professionals, yet ergonomics is often an afterthought both for gamers themselves and hardware manufacturers.
Introduction to Ergonomics
Many popular keyboards, mice and gadgets are marketed as “ergonomic”, but informed consumers should learn to look beyond the label and judge for themselves.