FORM Clique Upgrade


Kinesis has collaborated with ZMK to create a real-time programming interface for the FORM which we call KINESIS CLIQUE. Clique is still in the “Beta test” stage and new features are being added regularly, but all the essential elements are there. If you would like to participate in testing Clique we would love to get your feedback (both positive and negative) so we can improve the experience. There is a form at the bottom of this page to submit your thoughts and any bugs.

Clique Functionality

What Clique CAN do:

  • Re-arrange key actions
  • Assign almost any USB key action to any key in any layer (not all USB actions are supported in Windows or macOS)
  • Add mouse clicks or change how you access the Fn Layer or the backlight controls
  • Add many ZMK Advanced Actions
  • Add additional layers

What Clique CANNOT do:

  • Adjust touchpad settings
  • Adjust keyboard settings
  • Create macros (Coming soon)

REQUIRED Firmware Update

Before using Clique, you will need to perform a one-time firmware update to your keyboard. You can revert back to factory firmware at any time but that should not be necessary.

  1. Download the keyboard firmware file here:
  2. Connect the Form to your PC using the USB cable, and use a paperclip to double-click the Bootloader button on the underside of the keyboard to mount a removable drive called “FORM”.
  3. Unzip and copy/paste the downloaded firmware file on to the “FORM” drive. The indicator LEDs will flash blue while the firmware is installed. When the indicators stop flashing the update is complete.
  4. Replug your keyboard to restart it and you are no ready to use Clique.
  5. Open a text editing program and using the command Fn+V to confirm the version number of the firmware to ensure the update was successful (20250103-wind-384deee)

Important Note: Both Windows and Mac may report an error with the file transfer because the virtual drive automatically “dismounts”, but this can be safely ignored.

Accessing Clique

  1. Connect your Form via USB to your computer.
  2. Using a Chrome or Edge web-browser, visit
  3. Select the “Form” serial port from the list. Note: If Form is NOT one of the choices, that likely means the firmware update was NOT successful and Clique cannot see your keyboard. Please try updating the firmware again.
  4. Hold the FN key and tap Escape to “unlock” the Form .

Programming Clique

Send us Feedback

Kinesis Clique Feedback and Bug Report

If you leave an email address we may contact you with follow up questions.
Only Chrome and Edge are supported
Keyboard model(Required)

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