ZMK Studio
The talented ZMK team (with some financial support from Kinesis and others) has just launched a new open-source offering called ZMK Studio which “provides runtime update functionality to ZMK powered devices, allowing users to change their keymap layers without flashing new firmware to their keyboards”. For Advantage360 users that means after a one-time firmware update you can now connect the left module to your PC via USB and use a Chrome/Edge web browser to re-arrange keys in seconds. As anyone who has had to update firmware with GitHub knows, this is a MAJOR improvement. Not all GitHub-level ZMK functionality has been implemented in Studio (and some may never be) but for basic layout changes this will be a game changer.
More info on Studio:

Kinesis Clique
With the blessing of the ZMK team, Kinesis has decided to build our own UI for Studio geared towards our more novice users which we call KINESIS CLIQUE. Our goal with Clique was to take the Studio “backbone” and make it simple and fast to create custom layouts without having to learn about the intricacies of ZMK. For those users taking full advantage of all the tools that ZMK has to offer, you may find that Clique (and perhaps even Studio) doesn’t give you everything you need. Don’t worry, you can continue to manage your 360 Pro through GitHub. As new functionality is added to Studio, Kinesis will incorporate what we think will be most useful into Clique.
Clique is still in the development stage and new features are being added regularly, but all the essential elements are there.
Clique Functionality
What Clique CAN do:
- Re-arrange key actions
- Assign almost any USB key action to any key in any layer (not all USB actions are supported in Windows or macOS)
- Assign macros from a basic library pre-configured for Windows and Mac
- Add additional layers
- Add many ZMK behaviors
What Clique CANNOT do:
- Adjust keyboard settings
- Add ZMK behaviors (like custom macros) which require parameter selection
- Import your existing macros and custom behaviors (unless you Sync Your Fork)
Which Tool is Right for Me?
- I need the most custom ZMK experience> Continue using Github and/or a keymap editor like great one built by Nick Coutsos
- I need some custom ZMK tools> Test out both Clique and Studio and see which one better meets your needs (its possible you will still be best off with GitHub)
- I don’t need any of the fancy ZMK stuff> Then Clique was made for you!
Firmware Update Required to Access Clique
To gain access to Clique, you will need to perform a one-time firmware update. You have 2 choices:
- If you prefer to leave GitHub behind completely, just flash the new “Feb 5 Factory Firmware” (version: 8a1fd5f) and you can restart your layout from scratch on Clique. Firmware Update Instructions:
- If you prefer to build off an existing GitHub layout you can now sync your fork with PR #630 and build a custom version of your firmware with Clique support. Any custom behaviors you are using should load to Clique but will not be modifiable (they may be modifiable in Studio). Important Note: Changes made with Clique do NOT update your Github, just the keyboard, so you’ll likely need to pick one platform and stick with it.
If you have successfully updated your firmware to a Clique-supported build, the word “Clique” will append at the end of the version macro (Mod+V).
Accessing Clique
- Once you have updated firmware, connect the LEFT 360 module via USB to a desktop computer (you need a decent-sized monitor).
- Using a Chrome or Edge web-browser, visit
- Select Advantage360 from the Clique device list by clicking the green button.
- Select the “Adv360 Pro” serial port from the list. Note: If “Adv360 Pro” is NOT one of the choices, that likely means the firmware update was NOT successful and Clique cannot see your keyboard. Please try updating the firmware again.
- Hold the Mod key and tap the factory-original Escape key location to “unlock” the keyboard.
Programming with Clique
- Follow the onscreen prompts to program your keyboard
- Read through the User Guide:
ZMK Studio is still under active development and we are adding new featues to Clique as well. Clique will always lag behind Studio and GitHub in terms of ZMK configurability so it may not be a fit if you are a power ZMK user.
Firmware updates will still be released for the 360 to add new features or fix bugs, but they will leave your Clique layout in place.
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